The Studio 2.8 2019 Floral Photography Season Has Begun With Gusto!

The Studio 2.8 2019 Floral Photography Season Has Begun With Gusto!

The arrival of Spring each year is the harbinger of floral photography season as well. Horticultural photography celebrates the divinity of, and the miraculousness of, even the most basic phenomena of life on our amazing planet earth, and the boundless gift that being human makes possible its infinite enjoyment via photographic preservation. Studio 2.8 photographic safaris, in search of flourishes of flora in bloom, will continue throughout the months ahead.

Over the course of the months that comprise the Spring and Summer seasons, the species of available flora evolve from Spring blossoms, such as tulips, to Summer's long lasting blooms, such as roses, and onward to Summer's arrival of single day floral phenomena, such as the unparalleled "day lilies" that gardeners in the area cultivate each year. Hopefully these minute visual experiences provide people reminders of life's gifts, of the earth's gifts, and an appreciation of the gifts of life itself.